Myth Mountain

My original blurb for query letters sent out to publishers and agents. Enjoy!


Five chimneyed villages lie in the shadow of Myth Mountain, surrounded by THE MIST that has stolen humanity’s dreams. 

Every twelve years, five CHAMPIONS — the best Miner, Soldier, Farmer, Poet and Priest — are Chosen to scale the Mountain… Or else face exile into the Mist with the grey-cloaked COLLECTORS, who hoard the resources of Undermountain for a grand war that nobody has seen, yet all recall from misty memories…

YELLA yearns to be the Chosen Soldier, so she must win the TRIAL OF SWORDS… but the Collectors watch her closely with emerald eyes that know too much…

She imagines lighting the SEVEN BEACON TOWERS which climb the Mountain, where terrible challenges await the worthy to conquer. Only then can she enter PARADISE above Myth Mountain, only then can she free her mother and their people from the dream-stealing Mist! 

“Time flows strange in these here winds,

And though they blow away no sins,

They remind my journey’s end begins,

With the first step that I take.”


As you read this, my book is out for queryingMyth Mountain: The Beacon of Beginnings, is the first in a planned trilogy of fantasy novels. Normally, when you are querying you need to be more specific for audiences, (e.g. girls aged 13-18) but to be honest, when I think of the themes in Myth Mountain, I see it having the capacity to appeal to all. It is the universal story of leaving home, of going on a grand adventure perhaps never to return. And of course it’s about dreams, having a desire within to chase them no matter what the obstacles.