The Killing Moon by NK Jemisin
I read The Killing Moon on my quest to find “comparative literature” for my fantasy novel - The Three Lovers: Mirror Of Death.
The Long Price Quartet by Daniel Abraham
I read these four books as I was finishing a draft of my own fantasy novel, and they were a brilliant companion.
The Belgariad by David Eddings
The Belgariad has truly loveable characters, the mythology is interesting, the names and settings are trope-laden but memorable. It’s still one of my favourite fantasy series despite all the flaws.
The Dark Is Rising by Susan Cooper
I thought it a beautiful series, with a charm that made the interweaving “Chosen One” storyline and Arthurian Mythology somehow shine, proving that cliches can go beyond their source material with a gifted writer who has a different take.
The Lyonesse Trilogy by Jack Vance
This fantasy series seized my imagination and became my favourite trilogy after a single read through.
A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin
In this review I will attempt to review the series as a whole, whilst also talking a little about the books separately.