The Sunken Land Begins To Rise Again By M. John Harrison
This book seemed eerily fitting for my recent travels, watching England open up again, declaring premature victory over a disease that didn’t know it was fighting a war against the obese British spirit.
The Killing Moon by NK Jemisin
I read The Killing Moon on my quest to find “comparative literature” for my fantasy novel - The Three Lovers: Mirror Of Death.
Top 10 Fantasy Book Series
As with every list, this comes with a preface that these are my PERSONAL choices, completely idiosyncratic, with all my biases.
The Long Price Quartet by Daniel Abraham
I read these four books as I was finishing a draft of my own fantasy novel, and they were a brilliant companion.
Appendix N
In the original AD&D Dungeon Master’s Guide, Gary Gygax wrote a brilliant Appendix (N), which was a list of all the inspirational fantasy and science-fiction reading for aspiring Dungeon Masters. I’ve compiled my own list…
The Belgariad by David Eddings
The Belgariad has truly loveable characters, the mythology is interesting, the names and settings are trope-laden but memorable. It’s still one of my favourite fantasy series despite all the flaws.
The Dark Is Rising by Susan Cooper
I thought it a beautiful series, with a charm that made the interweaving “Chosen One” storyline and Arthurian Mythology somehow shine, proving that cliches can go beyond their source material with a gifted writer who has a different take.
A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin
In this review I will attempt to review the series as a whole, whilst also talking a little about the books separately.