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Library, My Inspirations Dominic Merrick Library, My Inspirations Dominic Merrick

Appendix N

In the original AD&D Dungeon Master’s Guide, Gary Gygax wrote a brilliant Appendix (N), which was a list of all the inspirational fantasy and science-fiction reading for aspiring Dungeon Masters.  I’ve compiled my own list…

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Book Review Dominic Merrick Book Review Dominic Merrick

The Belgariad by David Eddings

The Belgariad has truly loveable characters, the mythology is interesting, the names and settings are trope-laden but memorable. It’s still one of my favourite fantasy series despite all the flaws.

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Book Review Dominic Merrick Book Review Dominic Merrick

The Dark Is Rising by Susan Cooper

I thought it a beautiful series, with a charm that made the interweaving “Chosen One” storyline and Arthurian Mythology somehow shine, proving that cliches can go beyond their source material with a gifted writer who has a different take.

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